Seniors Study

Seniors Study

How to become a successful student

 Student Success: How to Be a Successful Student

Plus inspiring success quotes for students from visionary thought leaders and entrepreneurs.

What is student success? What makes a successful student? And how to be a successful student?

If you have asked yourself these questions, then you have probably spent a bit of time comparing yourself to those around you: your academic achievements, job prospects, popularity, and all the things that go into making someone ‘successful’. Perhaps this makes you struggle even more to get the grades and recognition you want.

But measuring your worth by comparing yourself with others is often a losing battle. A better strategy is to break away from the pack and stand apart.

Habits Of Successful Students

1. Stop cramming

We’ve all done it at some point: stressing out the night before a paper is due, relying solely on coffee and junk food to get through. While everyone is guilty of cramming, the real issue is that it simply doesn’t work. Making a study plan is a far more effective way to retain knowledge, leading to better results. And unlike studying into the early hours the night before an exam, it won’t leave you feeling drained and stressed. As always, technology is out there to help: check out some of the apps available to organize your learning. Coming up with a student success plan will get you ahead of the pack.

2. No more destructive self-criticism

Honest self-reflection can help us grow and flourish as individuals. Taking a realistic view of ourselves can be motivating, and it’s definitely a habit of successful students. However, negative voices inside the head are harmful more often than not, especially when applied to attributes about ourselves that we can’t change, such as our intelligence, height, and so on. So instead of focusing on what we cannot change, let’s identify and act on the specific things that we can!

3. Cut down your caffeine



In small doses, coffee, and other caffeinated drinks, can increase concentration and energy. However, we all like to overdo it occasionally, which can lead to insomnia, anxiety, stomach upsets and an inability to focus. Why not try green tea instead? It has much less caffeine than coffee and contains antioxidants that fight, and may even prevent cell damage. And it doesn’t stain your teeth.

 4. Reduce social media time

Is your life a one big Instagram filter? Do you express yourself in memes and determine your social standing by how many likes you get? While social media has become an inseparable part of our lives, it has also made us easily distracted and less attentive. This is having a major impact on our productivity. And while you probably won’t be able to cut out social media altogether, be smart about it: keep track of how often, and for how long, you’re using it. And switch it off when studying – the brain isn’t built for multi-tasking. It’s difficult enough to concentrate without having all the funniest YouTube videos at your fingertips!

5. Raise your activity levels and do more exercise

Physical activity is crucial for maintaining a healthy body, but it is also good for the mind. Studies have shown that it can sharpen the memory and improve thinking skills. Aerobic exercise, in particular, appears to increase the size of the hippocampus – the area of the brain involved in verbal memory and learning. One thing you can do immediately and for free is to take more steps every day. Download a step counter to your smartphone, and find reasons to walk more each day.

6. Increase face-to-face time with family and friends

If you commit yourself to just one goal in this list, pick this one. ‘Real’ time with your loved ones can prevent depression, which is significant knowing how many of us struggle with mental health issues.  Go back to basics. Less screen time and more social interaction will make you and those around you healthier, happier and your life more active too.

7. Join a student club or organization

One way to increase your student success in college is to start growing your social circle is by joining a student club, society or organization, especially if you’re just starting a new school or university. Whatever clubs you end up joining, you’ll get to know people who have similar interests to you, and it can also look great on your resume.

But also look for opportunities to discover new interests and seek people who see things from a different point of view. You might be surprised by what you learn.

8. Take up meditation

You don’t need to be a Buddhist to practice meditation. Candles and incense are optional, and there’s no obligation to sit in a lotus position. The good news is that anyone can meditate, and just a few minutes a day can make a difference. Meditation can reduce stress, make you more present in the moment, and there is evidence that it can improve concentration, memory, and creativity.  If you are a complete beginner, read this New York Times article, which offers a practical introduction to meditation and some exercises to start you off.

9. Find a mentor

Achieving student success is will increase exponentially if you find a mentor. Having a mentor is a unique opportunity to learn from, and be inspired by, someone who has more knowledge and experience than you, whether in an academic, professional – or any other – area of life. Sports coaches, yoga teachers, lecturers or even an elderly neighbor can become a truly life-changing friend and mentor if you reach out. Bear in mind, though, that a successful mentoring relationship is based on mutual respect and trust.


Watching to become a success is the dream of every student. However, it is not easy to get success in school age. Success comes from hard work. Therefore, you need to work hard to get success in the future. Do we sometimes wonder about what is success? Getting good marks or GPA? Being punctual and discipline in the classroom? Well, these are some real ideas of success every student dream of. Students work hard enough to sense these successes to be part of their life. School academic is very important in making student successful in the school. 

Set proper goal

To become successful, it is very important to set a perfect goal. The mode of the goals could be long-term goals or short term goals. The proper goal provides you various lessons in your life. The students could be able to improve their skills with the proper goals. It also helps in setting the focus and improves the concentration power on achieving your own goal.

Hence, set either a long-term goal or short-term goal according to the work getting done. In both cases, you will be more accountable with your proper goal and will be become a successful student in the school.

Make proper planning and strategy

Making proper planning and strategy is very important before setting any goals, dreams, and success in the future. Proper planning and strategy give you ideas on how to achieve the dream and success in the future. It also helps you from recovering the errors that you made in the past. If you follow the steps of proper planning and strategy, your focus, ideas, and opinion will be very clear in front of your goal.

Create time management

Time management is playing a crucial part in getting success. Time is a crucial part of our life. Therefore, it is very important to create proper time management for every goal. Ideal time management will give you proper development in skill and other qualities. It breaks the work according to its priorities and helps in achieving the goals shortly. Therefore, create time-management for better advantages in the future.

Take care of yourself

Taking care of your self is much needed in terms of setting goals. Therefore, always eat healthy food, sleep properly, do exercises, and make a tour to relax your mind. These things usually make mind relaxing and fortune their brain for better success in the future.

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